Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Blogging About Nothing

     I am a wannabe  blogger.  I read a fair share of blogs and most of them center on a specific topic.  Some bloggers focus on book reviews, some on parenting , while others share the author’'s  views on bargain hunting,  cooking or fashion.  I imagine there is a blog for any subject  a person can think of.  My problem stems from my not being able to truly focus one just one topic.  Thanks ADHD!  Do I really need to stick to one topic ?  If my goal was to build a fan base then I would certainly  beneft from honoring  that practice. Presently my goal for  this blog is to get into the habit of writing. If,  somewhere along the way, I find myself favoring one topic I may take  the liberty of readjusting my goals.  Welcome to my blog about nothing!